Saturday, May 10, 2008

I stopped being shocked

I went to the gas station this morning and happened to look up at the neon sign and thought “wow $4.05!” This was for 87 octane unleaded gas in this small little town that I live in. I just shook my head thinking “it is what it is”. As I was done filling my gas tank, I put the nozzle back in the pump and made a mental note. I told myself that when I get home I would jump on my computer and draft an email to send to my congressman, to all the various environmental groups, and also to OPEC, thanking them for screwing us over once again. I also plan on writing a letter to the polar bears in northern Alaska, letting them know that I just dumped a ton of money into my gas tank and I’m glad they feel safe and are protected.

It wouldn't hurt to also mail a letter to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. That dictator that calls himself the leader Chavez in Venezuela. And since I'm on a roll, maybe even another to that fine organization we know of as Al Queda. I'll let them know that I was doing my part in funding their operations against America.

My point is that I am tired of listening to the radio every. single. day, hearing that the price of a barrel went up again because some psycho spit on an oil pipeline in some no name country. A few weeks ago, I sat listening to the radio where in some congressperson said that they are outraged that they are only paying $1.86 a gallon for gas in Iraq and here in America we are paying well over $3.00 a gallon. I concluded the reason may very well be, call me crazy, the fact that THEY DRILL FOR THEIR OWN DAMN OIL, YOU DUMBASS. What a novel idea...maybe, just maybe, we might want to do the same. You know that supply and demand is low, can’t meet demand, price goes up. Supply goes up to meet demand, price goes down. Simple, huh?

Someone please explain this to the morons who make the decisions for this country. I know, I know, you are thinking “well how are we going to increase our supply?”. Well let me see. Maybe, just maybe, we should stop buying oil that’s not ours and drill for it in our own damn country. You know like take care of yourself.

What about the polar bears and cariboo and all those other cute, furry creatures that live all across our territory, you ask? Well I say modern technology is a wonderful thing and studies have shown there would minimal environmental impact, but don’t listen to me. Look it up for yourself.

I have dreams about waking up one day and reading the news that the price of a gallon of gas is a $1.50 and the country’s economy is booming, all because we decided as a nation that we are going to take care of ourselves, instead of financing every other country’s economy. We shouldn't be afraid that some poor, fuzzy, little bear in the Arctic circle may have at some point in their lives broken a sweat because it got a little too warm out. My brain hurts.

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